Learn about trends, volatility, orders, technical indicators, and other important aspects of trading. Expand your vocabulary for more successful trading.
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Buy - the purchase of an asset with the aim of its subsequent sale at a higher price.
Buy limit - a type of order that sets a price level for the purchase or sale of stocks, currency, or other financial instruments.
Bar - a graphical representation of price data for a specific period of time, containing information about the opening price, closing price, highest and lowest prices during this period.
Exchange - an organized platform where trading of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies takes place.
Broker - an intermediary that provides access to financial markets and allows traders to buy and sell assets such as stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities.
Bull Market - a period in trading when asset prices are constantly rising, and investors expect further increases.
Volatility - the degree of price variability of financial instruments in the market.
Market Depth - an indicator reflecting the quantity of buy and sell orders for securities at different price levels.
Technical Analysis - a method in which price movement charts of financial instruments (e.g., stocks, currencies, commodities) are studied and analyzed.
Gap - a price discrepancy between the closing price of one trading session and the opening price of the next, where the price opens significantly higher or lower than the previous closing.
Deposit - an amount that a trader deposits into their account with a broker to carry out buying and selling operations of financial instruments in the market.
Divergence - a discrepancy between the price of an asset and an indicator used for market analysis.
Diversification - a strategy of distributing investments across different assets or markets to reduce risk.
Dividend - a payment that a company makes to its shareholders from its profits.
Trader's Journal - records and analyses in which a trader documents their transactions and results, as well as notes their thoughts and emotions during trading.
Investor - an individual or organization that invests funds in financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, futures, or currencies, with the aim of profiting from changes in their value.
Investments - the purchase of financial assets (such as stocks, bonds, or commodities) with the aim of obtaining profit from their growth or dividends.
Index - a numerical measure representing the aggregate value of a specific group of stocks or other financial instruments. For example, the S&P 500 index reflects the state of the American stock market by including 500 leading companies, demonstrating their influence and contribution to the US economy.
Historical data - information about past prices, trading volumes, and other factors related to the asset market.
Capitalization - the total value of a company in the financial market, determined by multiplying the current price of its shares by the total number of shares in circulation.
Order book - a list of all open orders to buy and sell assets, sorted by price and volume.
Quote - the current price of an asset in the market, usually expressed as a bid and ask price.
Leverage - a financial instrument that allows a trader to increase their trading positions using borrowed funds.
Liquidity - the ability to quickly and easily sell or buy an asset at the current market price without significantly affecting its value.
Limit order - a type of order in which a trader sets a price at which they want to buy or sell an asset, and the transaction is executed only at this price or better.
Listing - the process of adding an asset to a trading platform or exchange, allowing traders to trade this asset on an open market.
Long - a position in which a trader buys an asset, expecting its growth.
Margin - the amount of money or securities that a trader deposits to open and maintain their positions.
Margin call - a situation where a broker requires a trader to replenish their account to cover losses or maintain an adequate margin level.
Market maker - a financial company or trader that provides constant liquidity and is ready to buy or sell securities in the market.
Bear market - a period in trading when asset prices decline, contributing to pessimistic sentiment and sales.
Volume - the amount of assets, securities, or goods that have been bought or sold in the market over a specific period of time.
Order - a trader's request to open a position.
Support - a price level below which it is expected that the asset will be supported or will not decrease.
Profit - the gain that a trader receives from a successful trade or investment.
Profit factor - the ratio of the profit amount to the loss amount in trading or investing, used to assess the profitability of a strategy or system.
Rally - a rapid and significant increase/decrease in market prices, usually accompanied by increased investor interest.
Profitability - an indicator reflecting the return on investments or trading operations.
Risk management - the process of managing risks in trading, including risk identification, analysis, and control to minimize potential losses.
Market order - an order sent by a trader for immediate execution of a transaction at current market prices.
Candlestick - a graphical representation of price changes of a financial instrument over a certain period of time.
Sell - the operation of selling an asset on the financial market to make a profit.
Scalping - a short-term trading strategy where a trader aims to profit from small changes in asset prices.
Moving averages - a statistical indicator used to smooth price data and determine the overall trend direction.
Stop-loss - a pre-defined price at which a trader automatically exits a position to limit losses.
Stochastic oscillator - a technical indicator used to measure the relative strength and speed of an asset's price change.
Timeframe - a time interval for analyzing price movements in the market.
Take-profit - a pre-set price at which a trader closes a position to lock in profit.
Technical analysis - a method of studying financial markets based on chart analysis and statistical data.
Trading session - a period of time during which trading takes place in the market.
Trading terminal - software that allows traders to execute buying and selling operations of financial instruments.
Trader - a person engaged in trading on financial markets.
Trend - the direction of price movement in the market over a certain period of time.
Averaging - a method in trading where an investor acquires additional assets at an average price to reduce the overall acquisition cost.
Fiat currency - an officially recognized form of government money, such as dollars, euros, or yen.
Flat - a market situation where the price of an asset remains stable and significant changes are not observed.
Stock market - a platform where stocks and other securities of companies are traded, allowing investors to buy and sell assets.
Fundamental analysis - a method of studying financial markets based on the analysis of fundamental factors such as economic data, company financial reports, and macroeconomic indicators.
Short - a position where a trader sells an asset, expecting its decrease.