provides a wide range of portfolio analysis functions, including charts, tables, reports, portfolio optimization, and more. It provides access to historical data, allowing traders to conduct more accurate market analysis and forecast its future behavior. is one of the best services in its category due to the wide range of functions it offers, high level of security and user support.
With, users can conduct risk and option analysis, as well as determine the most successful trading strategies. The service also allows traders to create multiple portfolios and compare them. An important tool is the portfolio optimization function, which allows traders to select the most effective investment strategies and minimize risks.
What are the advantages of these functions for traders? provides users with a wide range of tools and functions that help them analyze and optimize their portfolios. With the service, traders can improve their investment strategies, increase profits, and minimize risks. In addition, the service provides a fast and convenient way to assess their results and determine the most successful trading strategies.